Japanese Cats Note Cards (9780804851879)

Current Stock:
Tuttle Publishing
Date Published:
12 full-color 6 x 4 inch folded cards with envelopes
Trim Size:
4 3/4 X 6 3/4

These high-quality note cards feature a wonderful look at Japanese culture and family life, borrowed from the beautifully illustrated children's book Japanese Traditions.

These 12 carefully selected images are an intricately illustrated romp through the childhood reminiscences of author/illustrator Setsu Broderick, and each are designed to celebrate a month of the year.

On the back of each card Sentu tells a brief history or meaning of each fun, lighthearted scene. Japanese Cats Note Cards are an excellent value—a fraction of the price of other fine art print note cards with envelopes.

These fine quality blank note cards are printed with 12 different scenes and accompanying envelopes
  • On the back of each card is a short description of the front design
  • 12 folded blank note cards 6 x 4 inches (152 x 102 mm)
  • 12 envelopes 6 1/4 x 4 1/4 inches (160 x 108 mm)

About the Author:
Tuttle Studio draws inspiration from the modern and traditional cultures of Asia to create its language workbooks and resources, journals, stationery, gift wrapping products and origami paper. It is a division of Tuttle Publishing, a leading publisher of books on the languages, history, art and cultures of Asia. The company was founded in 1832 in Rutland, Vermont (USA) and opened a branch in Tokyo, Japan in 1948.